Careers with Churchill Downs Incorporated
Available Positions Across All Churchill Downs Incorporated Properties
Working at Churchill Downs Incorporated
With 29 properties across 14 states, there is something for everyone within Churchill Downs Incorporated. Every new hire is introduced to our company core values as they become a part of our always-expanding family.

Do the right thing even when no one is watching. We are committed to honesty (say what you mean), trust (assume good intentions) and transparency (share what you know).

Solve problems and meet commitments. Avoid complacency. Strive for excellence. Keep working until the best solution is achieved, not just the solution that works. Hold yourself and others accountable.

Aspire greatly and don’t fear failure. Treat opportunities as lessons to be learned. Be willing to ask questions and challenge the status quo.

Having joy for the work leads to fun in every interaction. Leading with passions means we celebrate wins, take time to congratulate a job well done and recognize accomplishments.

Have each other’s backs and step in to help others succeed. Embrace Diversity & Inclusion because it helps us achieve more togther. Work toward one common goal.

We are committed to providing a wide variety of exciting benefits and competitive compensation packages for our team members.
We’re Hiring
Check out our available opportunities above and submit your application. We look forward to working with you!